Pricing Plan

Subscribe to premium to get access to all modes with 10,000 characters limit and to remove captcha.



No Captcha

No Ads

API Access

Paraphrasing Tool



30 Days

Plagiarism Checker



30 Days

AI Essay Generator



30 Days

AI Article Generator



30 Days



No Captcha

No Ads

API Access

Paraphrasing Tool



365 Days

Plagiarism Checker



365 Days

AI Essay Generator



365 Days

AI Article Generator



365 Days


How to cancel the subscription?

You can unsubscribe by going to this URL:
Login Email: Your billing email (the email you will provide us at the time of the checkout page)
Password: Your password will be sent to the email you will use for the purchase (billing email)

Is the payment gateway secure?

We use a PCI compliant vendor to maintain payment card industry security standards.

What if I don’t like your service?

You can get a full refund of your payment if you change your mind within 2 days.

Are there any limitations in the annual premium plan?

There’s no limit on the annual plan. 
You will have unlimited access to the tool throughout the year.

What is a refund policy?

Upon successful registration, the Premium subscription can be refunded within  48 hours . Subscriptions that have expired more than  48 hours will not be refunded . Also, it is important to mention that the refund policy does not apply to those who paraphrase more than  500 words  or share their account credentials with others.

We ask users to ensure the integrity and security of their accounts in order to be eligible for refunds.

Regarding our Essay Generator and Story Generator service , if you have generated just one Essay/Story and you are not satisfied with the results, we may be able to process a refund for you. However, if you generate more than one Essay/Story, we are unable to provide a refund.

Note: We apologize for the inconvenience, but please note that our AI article generator is non-refundable. However, we stand by the quality of AI-generated content and guarantee you its excellence.

Refund Reasons:

  • If your account has not been upgraded from free to premium status
  • If you can’t access Premium Modes
  • If you are not satisfied with the result of the results

Note: The third requirement will only apply to the first refund. If the customer purchases another membership, a chargeback based on “unsatisfied output quality” will not be accepted.
